

Two moms reaching out to the next generation, one blog post at a time


activities for the family

Favourite Movies

In a recent post by my co-blogger Nathalie entitled Bon cinema, she writes about her top movies to watch.

I thought I would add a few to that list in the hopes that Nathalie and our readers may also enjoy them. And by the way, Nathalie has great taste in films. I watched “Love Actually” after reading her post and she was right on! Can’t wait to make it down the entire list and I hope I can find them on Netflix 😉

Sarah’s top movies:

Schindler’s list


Harold and Maude


Shawshank Redemption

Feel free to share your thoughts in our comment section below.

Hudson’s Santa Claus Parade 

Christmas is definitely in the air at my house. Decorations are hung, tree is up and I am pulling out my favourite holiday recipes. These include my favourite hazelnut biscotti and an amaretti cookie recipe both of which my kids love to eat this time a year. I plan on baking later today and I will post both recipes in another holiday post.

Another, nearly yearly tradition in our house is to attend the Santa Claus Parade in Hudson. If you have never been, I highly recommend it. It’s a wonderful way to spend a few hours with friends or family without having to fight the crowds of the Montreal Christmas parade and if you are not in the holiday spirit yet, this small excursion will definitely help.

There are over 20 floats and you can easily get the feel for the small, quaint town of Hudson and all it has to offer. But more importantly, the parade is dedicated to the children in attendance. There are kids on every corner and kids in the parade and of course kids waiting to see Santa at the community center at the end of the parade. Candy and hot chocolate are being handed out. Animated characters, ponies, raffle prizes of toys all for the sake of the kids.

Santa Claus parade in Hudson

This will be the first year that my youngest daughter, Lauren, will be participating in the parade. She is participating with her Cavagnal scout troop. This is her chance and the chance for many youth to show the community what they have been doing, whether that be theatre, music, dance, equestrian, etc. Lauren’s troop have been busy decorating recycled plastic water bottles to use to decorate the Christmas tree for their float. They also had a teepee and a camp fire on the float. Some pretty amazing stuff!

Hudson Cavagnal Scouts Float

This event brings the best out of everyone and the best out of the season. The Hudson Santa Claus parade isn’t about consumerism, religion or competition. It’s about the simple joy that comes from being with others and being appreciate for all that we have. It’s about community, about coming together young and old to focus on the positives of this world, especially our kids and all that they can and will accomplish one day.

Review: Hudson and Rigaud have lots to offer the family

In a previous post, I talked about some of the projects and excusions that my family and I have been involved in. The beautiful fall weather we are having this year has really helped keep us outside and active.

One of our most favourite outings was a recent visit to Le Verger de Hudson. Founded in 2003, Le Verger de Hudson has over 2000 apple trees, and has been open to the public for apple-picking since 2013. One of the few completely organic orchards in the Vaudreuil-Soulanges area, verger Hudson offers a unique experience. Unlike some of the well-known and quite large orchards in the area, Le Verger de Hudson is quaint and gives you the feeling that you are visiting a friend’s farm. Along with the opportunity for u-pick your own fresh organic apples, they also offer their own honey and other apple-related products. I have purchased the apple tarts, honey and juice, all of which were high quality and delicious.

Le verger de Hudson.JPG

On our most recent visit, we were greeted by Eric, co-owner of The Verger Hudson, who gave us a tour of the orchard and showed us which trees were ready for picking. Beautifully ripe,we proceeded to pick about 14 lbs of apples, which doesn’t take long when you have two enthusiastic daughters at your side. Annick, co-owner and wife of Eric was not present at the time, but who I have met on other occasions, and their daughter who was working in the shop was pleasant and helpful for the transactions. It is truly a family-run business, right down to the Jack Russel dog that runs around near by. If you are in the area and looking to find something to do, it is a truly hidden treasure.

Another recent outing involved a trail walk in Rigaud mountain where I live. The sentier de l’Escapade is a trail system maintained by the city of Rigaud. Comprised of almost 27 km of natural forested trails, and includes an occasional panoramic view, natural wetlands and even a well-known sugar shack – La Sucrerie de la Montagne – all can be experienced within the trail system. With some steep hills and at times a rocky terrain, the trail provide a bit of a challenge for the avid walker or run enthusiast. It’s a beautiful place to be whether you have only an hour to spare or an entire day.

These moments together with my kids and husband are precious. They are simple to plan and don’t involve a big investment of time or energy. With our active and sometimes incompatible schedules, being able to reconnect even if it is just for a few minutes while picking apples, or being outside in nature are good for our health and good for our souls.

Now it’s Nathalie’s turn. I asked her about the types of activities that she participated in with her family and here is what she recommends.

The new year starts now!

I was reading a news article the other day and it had this terrific quote that I think encompasses the goal of today’s blog post.  Unfortunately I couldn’t seem to find the exact quote, but it went something along the lines of:

The real new year starts when school begins. That’s when we establish a new routine, a new sleep schedule, a new exercise program. January 1st is just when we start a new calendar year

January 1st is really insignificant in terms of really establishing change and adjusting to it. At least in our family, we don’t make new years resolutions and we don’t celebrate new years eve other than with a traditional fondue and an early bedtime. The way I see it, by the time January 1st comes around, the real transitions have already long been made. The real commitments have already long been accepted and perhaps broken and the seasonal adjustments into winter are behind us.

So for anyone dreading change, this time of year can be a difficult time. I know that for me and my family, there is a lot of sighing going on as September approaches and we start to wonder if there is a way to avoid the inevitable.

Since the foregone conclusion is always the same and we begin to face our demons, the next best thing is to make the best of the situation and push through those first difficult weeks as we return back to school. So how do we make the most of it? Here are a few pointers that have helped me and my family along the way as well as co-blogger Nathalie’s advice on the matter.

Being outdoors

Like many other things, I find that focussing on the positives are the best way of dealing with change and transition. Fall is a beautiful time of year, so the girls and I have been going for walks and short trips to the local apple orchard as a way to keep spending time together despite our obligations. Yesterday, we went to the park which we haven’t done in some time. Being outside and being together are simple and inexpensive ways to continue to feel at least for a little while like the new commitments of school and work do not take over our entire lives.

New and old projects

There are always a few projects that are in-the-process-of-being-completed, but that I haven’t gotten around to finishing off. If you have any of those as well, maybe it’s time time to pick those up again? As for me, I have walkway out front that I am currently working on and I am also attempting to convert a vintage ladder that my dad found by the curb into a shelving unit… take a look at this website – a pair & a spare for the inspiration   for the ladder.  I have since then, finally finished ladder shelf project and you can see the final products on my Instagram account @sjbt1.

Reflect on last year and learn from your mistakes

Since our family is heading into a new routine, why not learn from some of last year’s mistakes and try and make positive change in the coming year?

This is the best time to figure out and establish new rules that will help avoid stress and conflict over the coming months. For example, one of our most stress-related issues from last year was determining what was an appropriate amount of time for our teenage daughter, Hannah, to spend on her cell phone. I know that this is an issue that many parents face. Rather than debating over it constantly as we did last year, Hannah has devised a phone contract that my husband and I have agreed to. There will likely be some changes to be made to the contract as the year goes on but at least we have something in writing that we can use as a reference point to keep her on track and off her phone during inappropriate times. If you want to see a sample of our phone usage contract, you can view it by clicking on this link:  contractofphoneusage

Another example of using this time of year to initiate positive change is in regards to making lunches. I don’t know about you, but after making lunches for two daughters for the last 8 years, I have really had my fill. I have tried all sorts of strategies for getting through the task, like buying new lunch containers, making extra dinners that can be used as leftovers, cutting up veggies into fun shapes. Despite all of this, it is still a dreaded task that I decided had to be handled differently this year. My daughters are now 10 and 13 and they will be making their own lunches this year. We spent a better part of this past summer, baking and preparing meals together. Thankfully they both show some interest, sporadic interests, but nevertheless interest, in preparing dishes that appeal to them. So, my responsibility has become to ensure that there are a variety of healthy food items in the fridge and pantry for them to choose from. They tell me what sorts of things they feel like eating and I give them ideas and watch over as they prepare their lunches before they go to bed. So far its working out well.  Worst case scenario, they can also choose to use their allowance to buy something at the cafeteria.

All in all, it’s a matter of making the most out of the situation and enjoying those moments where you see that change can be a good thing. It means that you are not necessarily stuck living with some of the things that don’t work. To finish off with another quote. This one is by Neil Gaiman, which I think sums up well how I intend on tackling the real new year:

“I hope that in this year to come, you can make mistakes… if you’re making mistakes than your doing something”.

Nathalie, what do you think about this time of year? Do you find it to be challenging? What do you do to keep on track and stay positive?





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